Miller ICA
at Carnegie Mellon University
Purnell Center for the Arts
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
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Miller ICA
at Carnegie Mellon University
Purnell Center for the Arts
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Gallery Hours
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Paradox: Frames and Biases in Art and AI
Jan. 28, 5:30–8:30pm
RSVP on Facebook
Organized by Eunsu Kang and Elizabeth Chodos
Panel members: Manuela Veloso, Alexandra Chouldechova, Sey Min, Jillian Mayer, and Kerry Doran.
This panel discussion explores the ways bias is inherently built into the structure and function of Machine Learning. In order to make predictions or identify patterns, AI requires that a person set specific instructions that have the potential to reinforce bias and oppressive social structures, particularly when ML is being used in everything from policing to determining someone’s credit score. This panel will also explore the role that contemporary art can play in challenging and refiguring these biases by calling into question the frameworks underpinning our assumptions. As ML and AI continue to influence more aspects of everyday life, conversations around how we can use these tools to undo harmful biases, as opposed to reinforcing them, is increasingly urgent.